Part 12: Episode XI: An Elusive Request
Episode XI: An Elusive Request
Music: Peaceful Sleep (Vocal)
Now that weve completed the two sidequests in the Resistance Camp, Anemone once more has gained the quest giver icon to advance the story. Lets hit her up.

Off to the desert, huh? Thered better not be a million wolves out there. I cant do that again...
Were not quite going to do that yet. I know I said not to do sidequests until unlocking Fast Travel later in the game. But there is an exception to that. Were going to beam ourselves back up to the Bunker for a bit.
Sorry, 9S. Theres only room for one in this thing. Im going to suggest you acquire a stout catapult to make the return trip to the Bunker.

Music: Fortress of Lies (Vocal)
Oh... Youre already here, huh? Awkward... Apparently these terminals work by beaming 2B and 9Ss consciousness to a temporary android body that just happens to be identical in every way. Dont think about it too hard. Its a video game.
They just couldnt help doing a LITTLE bit of completionist trolling. There is exactly one quest that only has the briefest of windows. Its only available between reaching the Resistance Camp up until departing to the Desert. This is the second to last quest I ended up completing because hell if I knew it existed! Its not like theres much of a reason to return to the Bunker immediately.
The Commander is the quest giver in this instance. Lets see what she has lined up.

Alright, quest received. Commander, I feel like you could have just sent an e-mail instead of making us go back to space to be told to go back to Earth and await instructions...
While were in the neighborhood, there is a secondary side quest available back in the Bunkers Hangar. Itll trigger as soon as we enter the room where the flight units are stashed...


Theres the second sidequest for the Bunker returning to the Prologue factory and retrieving a token from one of the dead redshirts in the intro. Sure, well get that done if were in the neighborhood.
Thats all for The Bunker for some time. 9S, just shove yourself into a barrel and eject out an airlock or something. See you planetside...

Music: Peaceful Sleep
...How do you keep doing that? Tch. Whatever. Lets get to work. Incidentally, Im really curious as to why they have that PS2 ass texture looking box right next to the save point that will undoubtedly get used the most the entire game. Its not fixin to load a higher resolution version of that texture. Its just that ugly. SOMEONE had to have noticed...
6O rings in...

Well, weve already got the Small Gear and err... a broken key? Didnt she just say a spring? How do you get a spring out of a broken key? Whatever... weve got one already. We just need one Rusty Bolt. That shouldnt be too hard to find considering were fighting rusty trashcan bots at all times
Like with previous quests, the map is marked with spawned enemies that possess a guaranteed drop. The mission zone is due north of the camp right next to the only Save Terminal we neglected to activate earlier.
As we leave the camp, Pod 042 contacts 6O.

Alright, got it. The desert is northeast of the camp. Its nearly a straight shot down the road from the building we started this chapter on. But were gonna go clear up that first sidequest first.
Except... crap. E-mail. One somewhat annoying thing this game does is have a tendency early on to shoot e-mails 2Bs way just as were out of reach of a terminal. The biggest sin being the fact the notification will override voiced quest dialogue in some instances. And thats just an unforgivable oversight.
Remember 2B had that other big sword in the Prologue? Turns out we can go retrieve it if we can make it back to the factory. Good to know...

New Music: Rays of Light (Vocal) (You should listen to this.)
Following the stream we were fishing in the previous update, well eventually come to a lightly wooded field with a derelict radio tower.
There are some boys raging at a wayward pack of Cheetos once more. Taking them out will unlock this Terminal, giving us Quick Save in just about all four corners of the map. Always handy.
A new model of machine lifeform, medium dudes, make their appearance here. As the name suggests, theyre the middle ground between the hulking armored guys with their machine battleaxes and the stubby guys with barely functional limbs. Being able to dash up to 2B and sucker punch her is their one big tactic.
It ultimately doesnt work out too well, even if they did have a few levels on our Android.
Taking out all the machine lifeforms will *hopefully* (there is occasionally a drop that falls an awkward place thats not retrievable, but its rare) drop the rusted bolt we needed. Just the one bolt and only one with rust. Its essential it be rusty. Very technical reasoning is behind that. We grunts dont need the details...
6O chimes in again...

Yeah, sure we can do that. But Im going to have to climb this tower first and jump off it. Also thats an unfortunate angle. There is, unfortunately, an achievement for looking up 2Bs skirt ten times in a playthrough. It was the very last achievement I got platinuming the game because Im not a degenerate. Dammit, Japan...
All thats on top of the tower is a chest with some upgrade materials and a nice view.
Theres a huge ominous bridge further north where the stream ends. Theres nothing unlocked quite yet over there. Well just remember the path.
Back to the Resistance Camp we go. 9S do NOT tell the Commander we were abusing our Pod privileges for this base jumping tomfoolery.

Music: Peaceful Sleep (Vocal)

Huh. Thats not too shabby a reward for a brief fed-ex quest. At least for this point in the game. It was a bit trifling when I had over a million G and was Level 92 by the point I did this quest...
2B contacts 6O to report in one final time...

Look, 9S read between the lines... Not saying the Commander and 6O are space lesbian robots... But the Commander and 6O are *probably* space lesbian robots. And theres nothing wrong with that.
So concludes the only really easy to miss quest. Tune in next time when we swing back by the Prologue factory and maybe begin the trek to the Desert. Be sure to pack a durable mask...

Video: Episode 10 Highlight Reel

Anemone Official Art Always pack a tactical cape. Youll live longer that way.